Marketing For Less
In tough times it’s essential both to spend less and think smarter. By clarifying your brand, aligning with your customer, leading in your community and leveraging your efforts you’ll set your company apart from the crowd.
A recent Pew study revealed that more Americans prefer news from the web than newspapers. Obama raised half a billion dollars online. Trust has a new face that’s candid and transparent. Traditional marketing initiatives are helpful and will generate some business as usual, but don’t ignore social media. Your customers are looking for you online, too. Wouldn’t you like to know what’s being said about your business and be part of the conversation? I’m really excited about the community building potential of social media. This is what MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are all about: communities right there at your fingertips. Don’t wait for things to happen! Be a leader and find your tribe by creating groups on LinkedIn or other online communities. There are plenty of opportunities out there.
Do you write a blog? Perhaps it can be re-purposed into a magazine article? An e- newsletter? Or how about free e-book? Is there an online forum where you can speak on your chosen topic? As always, in person communication is helpful, too. That hasn’t changed. But don’t forget to connect online and leverage your content to glean greater rewards.
Wishing you success!
Joanne Probyn
(The above image is a visualization of the DOM structure of a website. This particular image is the VANOC website I chose this image as it symbolized leadership, clusters of social groups, and sharing information; an abstract image of our times. To see your own website in a graph, click here. Courtesy Fernando Luis Lara.) Article updated December 2010.