Joanne joins Canadian Public Relations Society board of directors
Great news! I’m delighted to announce I’ve accepted an invitation to join the Canadian Public Relations Society as director of professional development. This means I’ll be planning and hosting 6-7 professional development events each year with speakers presenting on subjects from social media to media relations, reputation management and more.
Read a review of my first event
My next event will be held on Tuesday, October 29th at the Metropolitan Hotel featuring Denyse Johnson of the Canadian Tourism Commission. She will share exciting multicultural communications strategies with us.
I hope to see you there!
CPRS Event: Speaking the ‘Right’ Language with Denyse Johnson, Global Media Relations Advisor, CTC
I’ve recently accepted an invitation to join the Canadian Public Relations Society as their new Director of Professional Development.
My first event was in September on Coping with Social Media in Public Relations where Peter Walton of SFU presented interesting results from their recent study on social media.
In my upcoming event, we will be:
- Navigating various strategies to tailor communication to audiences of differing backgrounds
- Providing smoother correspondence in today’s increasingly globalization-based world
This event is great for anyone in:
- Travel & Tourism
- Government
- Multicultural communications
Please join me by registering here.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
5:30PM – Registration & Networking
6:00 to 7:00PM – Presentation and Questions
7:00 to 7:30PM – Networking