Joanne Probyn interviews Deborah Chatterton of Vancity

This video marks the launch of ReadyGo Media’s webcast series and begins with the theme of collaboration.

Joanne Probyn, ReadyGo Media founder and digital strategist, interviews Deborah Chatterton, Vancity Communications Consultant and Vice President of the Canadian Public Relations Society.

Deborah discusses her experience traveling Uganda to document how finance and marketing co-operatives help people start businesses, increase profits and improve lives.

Deborah was invited to participate in the initiative by The Canadian Co-operative Association.

Special thanks to Deborah Chatterton for being our first guest speaker, delivering an outstanding interview and inspiring this webcast series.

  • Who would you like Joanne to interview next? Share your ideas below!
  • Name the podcast. Get an eGift!


ReadyGo Book Review “Yes We Did”

An inside look at how social media built the Obama brand.

A great book by Rahaf Harfoush on fundraising, mobilizing an online community or for anyone who just wants the inside scoop on one of the world’s most famous social media successes. Worth a read! Forward by Don Tapscott. Review by Joanne Probyn of ReadyGo Media.

Enter to Win Pecha Kucha Tickets

I’m a big fan of Pecha Kucha Nights. This event offers presenters a chance to share their inspirations and accomplishments in 20 slides, 20 seconds each.

It brings people together for an inspiring experience. Vancouver Art Gallery after-party included. It’s a SOLD OUT show!

I’m all about social media and building relationships online. I also appreciate the value and pleasure of taking friendships offline. Interested in the science of all this? Check out this interesting podcast by University of Chicago Professor, John Cacioppo. He says our brains actually perform differently when we are face to face. This Pecha Kucha, I’m delighted to be taking two of my new Twitter friends! I hope you’ll take a online friend, too.

For your chance to win two tickets to #PKVan just leave a comment including:

  • Someone who inspires you and why

Good luck! Hope to see you there.

Vogue event information.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Doors 6pm. Starts 7pm.

TED Comes to Vancouver

This week I was thrilled to discover that the annual TED conference, something I’ve been inspired by for years online, is now being extended to communities worldwide.

As Malcolm Gladwell’s said (and has been criticized for)… creating strong ties offline is important. I agree to a large extent; and it’s events like these (and Petcha Kutcha) that create a greater sense of community and deepen relationships. They reveal opportunities, inform, facilitate dialogue, energize change, and inspire innovation. And that is good news.

172 TEDx events took place in 53 countries last month.

Find (or start one) near you!

Check out:


TEDx Vancouver

Photo by Kris Krug